FAQ’s – Tara Merchant


1) I need more information about Tara Merchant app.
Register your details to create your store website instantly, add your products easily & share your store to your contacts on WhatsApp or Phone in a single click.


2) What are the platform Fees/ commissions charged to merchants for using Tara Bisnisapp?
a. There are no platform fees charged for standard Tara Bisnis app.
b. The standard charges for processing the Payments are applicable


3) I am not able to register my mobile number.
Please type your mobile number, accept T&C and Privacy policy before registration and click the arrow to get an OTP. You also need to input the OTP to register the mobile.


4) How can I create my Store?
After registration of Mobile number, the next screen shows up for Store creation
a. You can add logo of your shop & banner from phone gallery or using the mobile camera.
b. Fill up the details like Shop name, category, sub-category & your name to open the next screen for registering store address & location.
c. You can choose the location from the map or search for your location


5) How can I get my website created?
The website is created instantly after the store is created.


6) How can I add the product to the catalogue?
You can add a single product details like item name, category, upload image using camera, gallery or through search image option, type its selling & discount price. Also add inventory of items available for sale, category & description of your product.


7) Can I share my website over WhatsApp and or SMS?
You can share your store link to consumers over WhatsApp, SMS from merchant app.


8) Can I share my store over social media?
Yes. You can share the store link any time to consumers over Facebook, Instagram & Telegram.


9) How can I create the POS order & payment?
a. Please click on the “+ sign” at the bottom to open the POS page showing the catalogue page.
b. Type the item name in “Search item” box to get the options
c. Add number of units of the items selected & add them to the cart by clicking “Cart” at the bottom.
d. Add customer’s Mobile number & Name to proceed with the payment screen.
e. The payment screen appears with payment options:
i. Cash (Only for walk in customers)
ii. Online (through Payment link)
iii. QRIS


10) How can I receive the orders?
a. Walk-in – The customer can walk into the store & order items. Based on the items required you can create the order using POS and receive payment through QRIS or payment link or cash.
b. Phone or WhatsApp – You can receive the orders from customers over phone number& WhatsApp message. Using the POS screen, you can create the order and send the payment link over WhatsApp & SMS to the customer.
c. Store website – The customer can order from the store website. The order details will be available to you in the Tara Bisnis app. The notification of these orders you will receive on WhatsApp.


11) Can I save or clear the cart in POS?
a. By clicking on 3 dots at the right-hand top of the screen.
b. You may save the cart for later
c. You can clear the cart


12) Can I get details of my sales?
Yes. You get details of sales in a graphical form.


13) Can I send feedback by email to Tara?
Yes. You can click on Send feedback button to Tara helpline email ID support@tara.app . You can type the feedback and share with us.


14) Can I make a call to the Tara customer care?
Yes. You can call on Tara customer care number
62 822-1100-2100 to resolve the query. This will be a paid call to you.